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Things that were acceptable in the 90s but aren’t now

From fashion trends to the way we communicate - these 90's social norms so wouldn't fly today.
90s things that aren't acceptable

90s things that aren't acceptable

The 90s. The era of double denim, bindis, chokers, bad suits, awesome TV, grunge, The Spice Girls…

But two decades on, what things that were completely acceptable back then would never fly in the year 2016? Reddit asked the question, and here’s what came out top.

“Not letting someone know you were going to be 10 minutes late, because there was no way to get them a message if you had both already left home.”

“Suits that were way too big and baggy dress clothes. If you wore that today, you’d look like a kid who was dressing formally for the first time ever.”

“Fanny packs”

“Knocking on someone’s door unannounced to see if they’re home.”

“More early 90s, but pushing people into pools. Back when no one had cell phones, it was funny. Their clothes got all wet! Now you do it, and you’re likely to owe that person like $500.”

“Chaining your wallet to your pants.”

“Not speaking to anyone for a few hours without them thinking you’ve died.”

“Bleached, ramen noodle hair. I’m looking at you, Justin. That shit would never fly today.”

“More than one article of Denim clothing at one time.”

JT gets two turns in this gallery because, well look.

“Smoking in restaurants. It was already starting to be slightly frowned on, but it was still allowed, as long as you stayed in your little ghetto area.”

“Contrary to the advice given in the 90’s, if you wanna be my lover, do NOT get with my friends.”

“Memorizing phone numbers. Back then, it was necessary. Now if you tell someone you memorized their number, it makes you look like you’re obsessed with them. What kind of weirdo memorizes peoples’ numbers!?”

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