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Strict mum Jessica Alba

Mother-of-two Jessica Alba is a much stricter parent than her own mother and father.


The 30-year-old actress – who has two daughters, Honor (3), and six-month-old Haven, with husband Cash Warren – admits she’s harder on her kids than her “cool and laid-back” mum Catherine and dad Mark Alba were for her.

“I did have that dreaded moment when my daughter decided that every answer I gave her wasn’t a good one and she kept saying, ‘But why, Mummy? But why, Mummy?’ and I was like, ‘Because I said so’. And I thought, ‘Oh God, I’m that mum, I’m my mum’.” She says.

“My parents did use ‘because I said so’ and they were not strict. They were fun and cool and laid-back and a way better time than me.”

Jessica admits she was such a “super bad” child she once took her dad’s car and drove to a fast food restaurant at the age of 14.


Speaking on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, she added, “I got good grades and I was going to Bible study all the time.

“I wasn’t bad. But I rebelled, I guess. One time when I was 14 or 13 I took my dad’s Ford Probe to Jack in the Box. I took side streets. It was a car full of girls. We were bumping Sublime. I was a super bad kid.”

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