Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is bound in a legal battle over the rights to her name, despite being too young to even say it. The eleven-month-old and her mother, Angelina Jolie, are taking action to prevent Hors La oonde Corp. from using the name Shiloh' to brand a fragrance. The company, owned by designer Symine Salimpour, maintains that the scent's development has spanned two years. Trademark for the name was applied for last June. "Angelina must feel that people applying for
Shiloh’ need to get her consent,” comments New York attorney Thomas Wilentz. However an insider affirms that there is no relation between the fragrance and Angie and Brad’s love child. “Symine is citizen of both France and Israel,” the source reveals “Shiloh is a Hebrew name that means `His gift.'”