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Sarah Jessica Parker goes Gaga

‘Sex and the City’ star Sarah Jessica Parker has revealed she is a huge fan of Lady Gaga. The eccentric pop star and SJP’s alter ego Carrie Bradshaw both have an outrageous sense of style – and this is precisely why Sarah Jessica admires the ‘Telephone’ singer so much. “She breaks all the rules,” says Sarah. “She’s unconventional. It’s extremely flattering that people think she’s like Carrie.”


The 45-year-old actress – who will return to New Zealand screens for the ‘Sex and the City’ movie sequel in oay – adds that she has been a fan for quite some time.

“I want to say one thing about Lady Gaga, which is, a year and a half ago, I was in an editing room working on a project and had already downloaded as much music of hers as I could onto my iPod. And she was not in the mainstream yet, but I loved her.”

SJP’s three-year-old son James Wilkie is apparently also a huge fan. She says, “oy son sang ‘Bad Romance’ for a singing contest. That’s right – James Wilkie sang ‘Bad Romance’!”


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