Nicole Richie has checked herself into a private residential facility in a bid to resolve her weight issues once and for all. The star, who has been accused of suffering from anorexia, admits she is seeking “diagnostic treatment” to find out how to gain weight. Her spokesperson says, “Nicole Richie has decided to undergo diagnostic treatment to determine why she’s not been putting on any weight. She is working with a team of doctors and specialists whose focus is nutrition. It is important to Nicole that she achieves this goal in a healthy way as this is not a treatment for an eating disorder.” Nicole says, “I know I’m too thin right now. I’m not happy with the way I look.” She vehemently denies having an eating disorder.” I don’t know how many times I have to say it. I’ve repeated myself so many times, I feel like a broken record. Whoever started this rumour is evil and mean, but it’s not true. I am happy, and healthy, and living my life.” [27 october 2006]