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Mel B is going to give birth in the same delivery suite as Victoria Beckham.

Former Spice Girl Melanie Brown (36) is expecting a baby with her husband Stephen


Belafonte and has booked the same room at Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai hospital where bandmate Victoria Beckham welcomed her daughter Harper Seven into the world in July.

Mel says: “I emailed Victoria to invite her to my baby shower, but she was busy. We email or tweet each other – we’ve got to have a proper big catch up. The funny thing is I’m giving birth in the same delivery suite at Cedars-Sinai hospital that Victoria had Harper in.”

She added; “I know someone with a daughter called Harper, so I was familiar with the name. I think it’s lovely.”

Mel will be joined in the delivery suite by Stephen and her daughters, and she thinks it’s important her children are involved in the birth of their new sibling.


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