You’d think arriving in a Rolls-Royce accompanied by 80 security guards would be enough! But Mariah Carey made the mother of all diva demands before a Christmas-themed appearance in England, asking for 20 white kittens and 100 white doves to accompany her. She also demanded confetti in the shape of a butterfly (her favourite insect) to be showered on her as she stood on a pink podium.
An insider reveals, “We did manage to source the doves that we were going to release into the sky, but the kittens proved terribly difficult. In the end, it was made clear that due to health and safety, there was no way we could have the animals.” Mariah insists her requests weren’t over the top. She says, “You know what, I guess I am a diva in many ways. But am I demanding? I don’t think I’m demanding enough!”