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Lily Allen to move in with boyfriend

They’ve only been dating for three months, but Lily Allen is already set to move in with her new boyfriend, Sam Cooper. The loved-up couple have recently been spotted looking at properties in London’s swanky Primose Hill and are said to be looking for something to do up.


Despite his foppish look and Lily’s previous taste for arty types (she dated Chemical Brothers deejay Ed Simons and art dealer Jay Jopling), Sam is a builder, who owns his own firm, hence the need for a property that he can sink his teeth into.

Given Lily’s recent admission that she can’t wait to settle down and start a family, perhaps this is her first move towards domestic bliss. However, Lily is also known for not always saying what she means – just months ago, the singer announced she was retiring from the performing lifestyle, only to later retract her statement and confirm an appearance at next year’s Big Day out.

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