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Lady Gaga

She’s worn her fair share of outlandish outfits but has Lady Gaga finally gone too far? The ‘Alejandro’ singer has graced the cover of the latest Vogue Hommes Japan wearing nothing but pieces of red, raw meat.


While Gaga herself is yet to comment on the cover, animal rights organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has. “Lady Gaga’s job is to do outlandish things, and this certainly qualifies as outlandish because meat is something you want to avoid putting on or in your body,” says a spokesperson.

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Gaga isn’t the first celebrity to come under PETA’s fire for their approach to animals. In 2008, Tyra Banks was chastised for making aspiring models on “America’s Next Top Model” wrap themselves in raw meat for a photo shoot. At the time PETA said, “oeat represents bloody violence and suffering, so if that’s the look they were going for-they achieved it.”

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We don’t wish to upset anyone by putting up Gaga’s controversial cover, so if you wish to view it, please go here.

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