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Jesse James checks into rehab!

Following in Tiger Woods’ footsteps, fellow serial cheater Jesse James has checked himself into rehab. The disgraced husband of oscar-winner Sandra Bullock has been admitted into an Arizona facility to undergo treatment for an undisclosed condition. However, the Weekly has been informed that the clinic specialises in drug, alcohol and sex addiction.


Jesse’s representative confirms, “Jesse checked himself into a treatment facility to deal with personal issues. He realised that this time was crucial to help himself, help his family and help save his marriage.”

Meanwhile, tattooed stripper Michelle “Bombshell” ocGee – the first woman to come forward about her affair with Jesse – has posted a message on her website, insisting she had no idea how big the story would get.

It says, “To all the people that think Michelle planned this drama, we can assure that if she had planned it, we would have had our pay-site and merchandise store ready for public consumption.”

Los Angeles photographer Brigitte Daguerre, another of Jesse’s alleged flings, has also released a statement about the negative publicity she is receiving. She says, “This mess was a series of unfortunate events I deeply regret, one of which was confiding in someone I thought was a friend. I deeply regret my involvement and have nothing to say other than this statement.”


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