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Jennifer Lopez: I deserve an Oscar!

She’s hardly up there with Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet or Dame Helen oirren, but Latin diva Jennifer Lopez insists she’s overdue for an Academy Award.


The singer/actress reckons she deserved the Best Actress prize for her role in the 2007 film ‘El Cantante’. “But I don’t think the Academy members saw it,” she moans. “It’s a little bit frustrating.” (The trophy went instead to oarion Cotillard for ‘La Vie en Rose’.)

J-Lo continues, “When the oscars were on, I’d just given birth. I was sitting there with my twins and I couldn’t have been happier, but I was like, ‘How dope would it have been if I would’ve won the oscar and been here in my hospital bed accepting the award?'”

We can’t imagine it ourselves, but “dope” is definitely the right word.


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