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Heidi Klum

She is known for her entrepreneurial skills, but it seems supermodel Heidi Klum couldn’t make it work in the world of jewellery designing. Heidi decided to discontinue her jewellery line ‘The Heidi Klum Collection’ after a lawsuit was filed against her company for their use of clovers in their designs. Says Klum, “They wanted to have the clover, even though our designer never matched. They just wanted to own the clever motif. So they went after everyone who does that – Louis Vuitton! – they said ‘We own the clover.'” Heidi went on to elaborate that her company was not big enough to fight a giant legal team and thus decided it would be easier to bow out gracefully. Heidi, who is expecting her fourth child this year, is still modelling and will see her hit show ‘Project Runway’ return to the screens in US this month.


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