The force may be with Harrison Ford once again, with the news that he is “open” to appear in a just-announced Star Wars sequel.
Harrison (70) has previously made negative comments about his iconic character Han Solo, saying he believed he should have been killed off at the end of the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. But sources at Entertainment Weekly say he is “upbeat” about the new movies and Disney takeover.
“Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” said one highly-placed source, referring to the original Star Wars trio of Harrison, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.

In an interview in 2010 Harrison said he found Han Solo “not very interesting”, indicating he had disagreements with director George Lucas about his character’s storyline. “I thought he should have died in the last one to give it some bottom… George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys,” he said. There is speculation as to who will direct the new film, with Star Trek reboot director JJ Abrams and The Avengers director Joss Whedon’s names said to be in the mix.
Last week it was revealed that Star Wars: Episode VII would be released in 2015. Disney bought the rights to the franchise with the purchase of Lucasfilm, and Episodes VIII and IX are said to be in the works.