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Elvis’ granddaughter dates musician

Lisa oarie Presley approves of her daughter Riley Keough’s new beau – pop star Ryan Cabrera. The 17-year-old granddaughter of Elvis was spotted kissing the 24-year-old at a rock concert. Their chaperone Lisa oarie happily stroked her daughter’s hair while the new couple got romantic. An eyewitness claims, “Ryan and Riley were all over each other for much of the show – they obviously weren’t there to see the band. At first they didn’t seem to care who saw their public display of affection, but then Lisa oarie started gesturing them to take a breather as people in the audience started staring at the loved-up couple.” It’s not Ryan’s first romance with the daughter of a power pop family. He’s also dated Ashlee Simpson and continues to be managed by her father Joe. [14 December 2006]


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