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Courtney Love stuck in a Hole

Always seen but not lately heard, Courtney Love has confirmed that she will be releasing her first album since 2004 in January next year.


‘Nobody’s Daughter’ will come out under Courtney’s band moniker Hole, the first time she has released an album under that name since 1998’s ‘Celebrity Skin’.

She explains, “Wherever I lay my head is Hole. It’s four letters. It is one of the best band names in f***ing history, if I do say so myself. For a while, I was a little embarrassed it was maybe vulgar, but at least it’s not phallic. It’s H-o-L-E. It’s a great band name and it’s mine.”

of the new album, Courtney says it was influenced by David Bowie, Pink Floyd and ’80s goth, with underlying themes of greed, vengeance and feminism. She says, “There’s a lot of maternal instinct on there. I know it’s something to do with my daughter and it’s also to do with me.”


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