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BOOK REVIEW: Go Set a Watchman

Atticus Finch returns in Pulitzer Prize-winning Harper Lee's new novel.
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

First of all, if you haven’t read To Kill a Mockingbird, do so immediately. Picking up the story 20 years after the events of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman was actually its genesis, the first draft of that book.


In it, returning character Atticus Finch is perhaps a truer representation of his time than the hero we’re familiar with, and a far less sympathetic character, railing against the power African Americans began to wield in the 1950s. But perhaps the most troubling thing about the book is the author, Harper Lee’s, firm insistence she’d never publish it.

Words by: Eleanor Black

Photo: Thinkstock


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