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Andi MacDowell’s yoga love

Actress Andie oacDowell recently gushed about her love for Yoga.


“I don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s my sanctuary.” She says.

The Four Weddings star said that she started practising 25-years ago to help her with pregnancy, and tries to do some every day.

“Yoga’s helped everything,” She says.

“It’s helped my outlook, how I interact with people, it’s made me more conscious, it’s helped me be able to focus, make better decisions, think on my feet.”


She also said that she has taken yoga beyond the physical and is ‘moving into a more spiritual path’.

She said she has undertaken the cleansing system of Panchakarma ‘several times’, calling it ‘something that’s really important for grounding myself especially if I’ve been stressed out at the end of a movie’.

“I need to have this experience, especially after work has been really intense.”


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