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Amy: Lindsay’s a wuss

Singer Amy Winehouse has reached out to troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan – saying she wants to ‘coddle’ the actress. The party-loving singer claims she is worried about the oean Girls star, who recently completed a stint in rehab for alcohol abuse. She says, “I want to coddle that girl. I really want to hug her.” The 23-year-old has reportedly cancelled a string of gigs in recent weeks because of alcohol-related issues and is frequently seen boozing on-stage. But that didn’t stop her poking fun at Lindsay, who has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Los Angeles, in an interview with a US magazine. She says, “I saw pictures of her coming out of the doctor’s [office], and she’s crying. She’s holding papers in her hand, like, ‘oh, it’s a note from my liver saying, Dear Lindsay, I’ve gone to Vegas’.” Lindsay is an Amy fan – she was recently spotted


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