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5 ways to reclaim your lunchbreak

Too many of us are working through lunch or eating at our desks. Here's how to reclaim your break and make the most of it.
Woman eating lunch in her office

Woman eating lunch in her office

An increasing number of us are working through our lunch breaks due to increased workloads, stress, and peer-pressure to appear ever working.


But the adverse effect on our mental and physical wellbeing for not doing so have been proven through research. Here are five ways you can make constructive use of your daily break, whether you’re a fitness buff, culture vulture or just want to be mentally stimulated.

Take a 30 minute exercise class

If you work in the city, or close to a gym, why not get your daily workout done and dusted before you’ve even left the office for the day? Fitting it into your lunch hour is not only a great way to reinvigorate yourself for the afternoon, it also means you’ve got the entire evening to yourself.

Les Mills run 30 minute GRIT classes at many of their gyms across the country – meaning you can get your workout done, be showered and back at your desk within the hour.


Brush up your language skills

Always wanted to learn a new language but never known where to start? The BBC has a great resource page for beginners – where you can learn essential phrases, do Spanish puzzles, learn through Spanish dramas and more.

Learn something new


Skill Share is an online resource that provides a range of tutorials on everything from watercolour painting to how to write a short story. With many lessons just 15 minutes long, there’s plenty of time to lean a new skill (or several) over your lunchbreak.

Take in some art

If you work in the city, why not get some culture on your lunchbreak and head to one of our many art galleries. Bonus – you’ll have something to impress your friends with at the weekend.


Get mindful

Learning how to meditate for just 10 minutes can have a whole heap of benefits for your daily wellbeing. But it’s hard to know where to start if you’re not a pro in the art of zenning out. Smartphone app Headspace leads you through guided meditations that can be done pretty much anywhere, and has celebrity followers including Emma Watson.

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