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Touching ultrasound shows twin holding dying brother’s hand

An ultrasound image has revealed an incredible moment between two unborn siblings.
Twins holding hands

American couple Ian and Brittani McIntire were over the moon when they discovered at an ultrasound they were expecting twins.


But their happiness soon turned to devastation, when doctors revealed one of the children had a hole in the heart and an abnormal brain, warning them that their son probably wouldn’t make it.

Though the couple were understandably heartbroken by the news, what they saw next lifted their spirits – if only for a moment.

Doctors produced an ultrasound image where their twins were holding hands in the womb.

Mason (who can be seen on the left of the image) had his hand tightly grasping his sister Madilyn’s.


Speaking to Pix 11, Brittani said: “Most twins when she’s trying to take pictures and stuff they’re kicking each other and hitting each other and she said with our twins it seems like she was very protective over him.

“It’s just nice with everything going on. I know I’m holding him, I’m carrying him but I just want to be there for him and not knowing and she’s the only one who can actually be there holding onto him.

“It’s comforting to know that if he does pass he won’t be alone.”


Little Mason isn’t growing as he should, weighing far less than his twin sister. His parents explain that his only chance of survival would be if doctors could perform heart surgery on him – but they wouldn’t do this because of his brain.

Father Ian said the ultrasound image was something they will cherish forever, whatever happens.

“We know we have a piece of them together that will last forever and it’s special to have,” he said.

What a beautiful memory to keep.


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