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Parent Talk: The skinny pregnant

Do you think there’s too much pressure on women to be skinny during pregnancy and following childbirth?
victoria beckham pregnant, skinny pregnant celebrities, eating disorders in pregnancies, pregnancy
victoria beckham pregnant, skinny pregnant celebrities, eating disorders in pregnancies, pregnancy

Celebrity culture has already been blamed for eating disorders in young girls, but now it seems that pregnant women are picking up on the Hollywood trend.

With pregnant celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie and Miranda Kerr have looked tiny in their third trimester, some women are developing eating issues during their pregnancies and working too hard to lose weight after childbirth, according to a Health Canada survey.

“Before, pregnancy might have been seen (as) an opportunity to relax into one’s body and to experience one’s body as it naturally grows,” said Merryl Bear, the director of the non-profit National Eating Disorder Information Centre  in Canada.

“But there are more challenges to a pregnant woman’s self-perception that are exacerbated by the images and the stories of celebrities who get pregnant, have their babies, and throughout the process … just have their pre-pregnancy body with a bump,” she said.


Today’s discussion: do you think there’s too much pressure on women to be skinny during pregnancy and following childbirth?

This week’s PARENT TALK prize for the best comment of the week can be found HERE

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