If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to start thinking about having a baby, but you haven’t made any plans beyond that, here’s your introduction into how to get started before the year slips away even further!
The first thing you should do is seek information to get an understanding of your own unique situation. It’s also good to start some folic acid, 0.8mg daily, and think about your lifestyle – reduce caffeine, stop drinking alcohol and aim for that perfect Body Mass Index. Dr Mary Birdsall, fertility specialist from Fertility Associates, shares her top six factors to consider if you’re trying for a baby this year:
The Age factor
The biological clock is the most important factor when trying to conceive. Young women without fertility problems have about a 25% chance per month of having a baby naturally if they try at the right time of the month. This falls to about 12% at age 37 and 5% at 42. Today, we are seeing more women over the age of 40 wanting to have their first child. It is possible, but you are also more likely to need help. To work out your chances, visit our biological clock at www.fertilityassociates.co.nz.
How long to wait before seeking help
The online biological clock can also tell you how long to try naturally before seeking help. For example, if you’re 39 years old you should consider seeking help after five months, and should definitely be seeking advice after one year. Every month counts when you are getting into your late 30s.
Fertility time frame
Today we have the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) test to estimate ovarian reserve. This test can help predict how many eggs you are likely to obtain during an IVF cycle and can help identify who may experience early menopause. Like most tests AMH is not perfect, so you’ll need the help of a fertility specialist to interpret the results.
Other health issues
If you have other conditions, such as polycystic ovaries or endometriosis, it is also recommended you seek advice early to understand their potential impact on your overall fertility chances.
Get him tested too
Of the couples we see, approximately 50% are experiencing fertility issues that stem from the male, so if it’s taking longer than you think it should, bring him along too.
Not met Mr Right?
You do have options too, and you could benefit from talking them through with a specialist or even calling the Free Nurse Consult. There is a waiting time for sperm donors, but if you approach your fertility clinic early, you are more likely to find a donor within your time frame.
Is this is your year for having a baby?
Please start the conversation early with your partner, and with your GP or your specialist. Being informed is the best thing you can do.
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