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Food fan or diet princess

Dear Wendyl, I’ve been on a diet for three months and I’ve lost 10kg which I’m really pleased about. My problem is that every week we have dinner at my mother’s house and I find it hard to stick to my diet when she brings out such beautiful but fattening food. How can I get around it without everyone thinking I’m being a princess? I love her cooking, but I just need to stick with this for a while longer until I reach my goal weight. Anne, Rotorua



Dear Anne, It’s not a crime to lose weight and you should never feel that you are a “princess” for talking about it and asking for support. obviously you don’t feel comfortable about your mother cooking something light for you or you would have asked her. Instead, why not take a generous-sized healthy salad with you as a contribution to the meal, and then take small pieces of her roast and potatoes and a large serving of your healthy salad. Then the only hurdle is dessert and if I had an answer for how to refuse dessert, I’d be a millionaire. The easiest thing to say is, “That looks delicious but I’m sorry, I’m full.” That way you’re complimenting the chef and she can hardly argue with a full stomach.Wendyl

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