
Baby born with no eyes finds joy swimming

Adorable Daisy Smith was born with a rare condition where her eyes weren’t formed during pregnancy, but she’s found her happy place in the water.

An adorable baby girl born with no eyes has discovered her love for swimming.

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13-month-old Daisy Smith was born with a rare condition known as anophthalmia.

This condition – where the eyes aren’t formed properly during pregnancy – affects around one in every 10,000 babies in the UK.

When Daisy’s mother Danielle, who lives in South Wales, UK, was warned by her doctors that her unborn baby had a cyst on her brain, she knew without a doubt she would still go through the pregnancy.

“After we got over the shock we realised that Daisy is just like any other baby,” she told The Sun.

“We were offered a termination but I am so glad we didn’t take it. We made the right decision.”

Tragically, Daisy hearing is also impaired as she suffers from glue ear. This makes her heavily reliant on touch – which probably enjoys swimming so much!

Despite the little tot’s struggles, Danielle says she’s happy and giggly all the time.

Daisy’s family take her out swimming regularly and to physiotherapy sessions to help with her mobility.

“We want her to have a normal childhood,” explained Danielle.

“Swimming was part of that but we were amazed how much she took to the water.

“Now when we go every week Daisy’s remembers the sound of the creaking doors at the swimming pool so she knows where she is and starts laughing.”

At the moment, Daisy uses expanders to open up her eye socket, but when she’s older, Danielle hopes to have glass eyes made for her.

Watch the joy on Daisy’s face in the pool

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