Real Life

Teen cancer sufferer poses for incredible images: ‘Cancer doesn’t stop me being a princess’

Cancer doesn't stop me

Cancer doesn't stop me

A teenage cancer sufferer is proving that you don’t need hair to be breathtakingly beautiful, after starring in a number of modelling shots online.

Texan Andrea Sierra Salazar, who suffers from stage 2 nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, is just 17-years-old.

Earlier in 2016, Andrea found a tumour in her neck, and later, one in her chest.

And after undergoing chemotherapy, Andrea, like many other cancer sufferers, lost her hair completely.

As her treatment often kept her off school, Andrea dedicated her time to modelling for a series of stunning shots – featuring her in an embellished ballgown.

Photo Credit: Gerardo Garmendia

“Cancer doesn’t stop me being a princess” tweeted the teen, alongside the shots. Her story has since been picked up by Buzzfeed and even Vogue, something she described as “a dream.”

Back in July, Andrea shared another inspiring message she found on the walls of her cancer clinic. It read:

“What cancer can’t do…

It cannot cripple love

It cannot shatter hope

It cannot corrode faith

It cannot destroy peace

It cannot kill friendship

It cannot suppress memories

It cannot silence courage

It cannot invade the soul

It cannot steal eternal life

It cannot conquer the spirit.”

You may also like: Husband gives wife 500 roses on last day of cancer treatment.

Photo Credit: Gerardo Garmendia

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