You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to want to preserve the world we live in. Here are five simple ways you can reduce your carbon footprint today.
1 Have a meat free day
No-one’s forcing you to become vegetarian, but the truth is that the meat industry is one of the biggest polluters. It contributes to cutting down trees to make space for grazing, and takes over 9000 litres of water to produce just one pound of meat. That’s compared with just over 90 to produce the same amount of wheat. On top of this, rearing animals for food produces large amounts of raw waste, which then pollutes the water system.
If you don’t want to go veggie, the best thing you can do it try having a few days a week meat-free, that will drastically reduce your carbon footprint.
2 Cut down on the car
We Kiwis love the freedom that your own vehicle gives us, and for many – it’s pretty impossible to get around otherwise. However, the fact of the matter is – the world can’t support every individual driving their own car each day. If you live in a city, look at ways you can commute that involve public transport, or at least offer to carpool with colleagues/people who work close by.
3 Be mindful of water
Saving water is easy. Opting for showers instead of baths is the simplest, but you could also consider keeping a timer so you don’t use too much water, and turning off the taps while you brush your teeth.
4 Choose your politicians wisely
A country’s involvement in the environment is sadly massively dependent on who’s running it. Some prioritise it, while others let it take a back seat. Get clued up so that when this year’s election rolls around, you know whose side you’re on.
5 Buy local
Buying produce that has been produced close to home is vital to reducing your carbon footprint. Where possible, choose grocers, butchers and delis that get their produce from nearby farms, to avoid the amount of miles your food has travelled.