Home News Real Life

7 May

Get-together: Ex-New Zealand Forest Service Workers Westland. A get-together is being held over Labour Weekend (October 20 to 22) in Hokitika.

Get-together:  Ex-New Zealand Forest Service Workers Westland. A get-together is being held over Labour Weekend (October 20 to 22) in Hokitika. If you are keen please email: [email protected] or write to Reunion Committee, 240 Kaniere Rd, Hokitika for a registration form.


Reuion:  Okaihau Union Church Presbyterian/Methodist 75th Celebrations, June 3. Service and luncheon. To register, phone: Shennett Clotworthy, (09) 401 9371 or email Marcella Pearson [email protected]

Reunion: Pendle Hill, 150 years. Descendants of Samuel and Harriet Fletcher are advised there will be a reunion held at Pendle Hill on October 20 and 21. For further information, phone: Debbie Shaw (06) 855 8266 or email [email protected]

Fundraiser: Sacred Heart College rowing fundraiser. Thursday, June 12, 7.30pm. Guest Celia Lashlie will be speaking on “Growing Gorgeous Boys into Good Men.” To purchase tickets or for more details please visit:

Wanted: A recipe from about the late 1970s or 1980s, for green bean pizza. There was no pastry (or similar) base – just fresh sliced green beans and I think tomatoes/cheese, and maybe egg. If you can help, please email: [email protected]


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