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John Key receives knighthood

The former Prime Minister was cheered on by his family.
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Former Prime Minister John Key has officially received his knighthood in a ceremony at Government House.

Sir John, who was awarded the honour in the Queen’s Birthday list, said his knighthood was a tribute to his wife Bronagh, who watched the ceremony with the couple’s son, Max.

“I see it see it as recognition for Bronagh and the kids for the sacrifices they made. I hope everyone can take a bit of joy from it.”

She will now become Lady Bronagh.

The honours system was brought back by Sir John during his time in Government. He previously said this would make it strange if he did not accept the knighthood.

“I believe in the system,” he told NZ Newswire at the time.

“I look at it and think the fact I was able to be prime minister for a long period of time was because I had such a remarkable cabinet and caucus and because millions of New Zealanders chose to support the government I led. So I hope those people can share in the accolade.”

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