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Does Labour leader Jacinda Ardern have to reveal baby plans?

Of course she doesn't.
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In the female-dominated office space we work in the air was thick with indignation this morning with news that AM Show host Mark Richardson has claimed it’s imperative new Labour leader Jacinda Ardern tell New Zealand whether she intends having children. We’re sorry but WTF?


“I think this is a legitimate question for New Zealand, because she could be the Prime Minister running this country – she has our best interests at heart so we need to know these things,” Richardson proclaimed on this morning’s show.

“If you are the employer of a company you need to know that type of thing from the woman you are employing … the question is, is it okay for a PM to take maternity leave while in office?”

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We don’t remember anyone asking Prime Minister and father-of-six Bill English or any other male politician anything like this.


Ardern shot back at Richardson by saying that in 2017 it was “totally unacceptable” to say a woman should have to answer that question in the workplace.

“It is a woman’s decision about when they choose to have children, it should not predetermine whether or not they are given a job, or have job opportunities.”

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And the Human Rights Act 1993 (HRA) backs her. According to the Human Rights Commission’s Employers guidelines for the prevention of pregnancy discrimination:

“The Human Rights Act 1993 (HRA) provides that it may be unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee or a job applicant because she is pregnant or because it is assumed she may become pregnant.

“PUT SIMPLY: Treating a woman unfairly in employment because she is pregnant or may become pregnant is unlawful. Pregnant workers may be unlawfully discriminated against when, because of their pregnancy, they are:

• Refused employment, promotion, or the opportunity to apply for a position


• Dismissed or made redundant

• Subjected to derogatory or insulting remarks which have a negative impact on them

• Excluded from training, work functions or other benefits

• Transferred to other jobs without consultation or their agreement (unless there are good reasons for the transfer)


• Demoted or have their seniority reduced or their continuity of service cancelled.”

In its section about interviewing it states: “Employers should ask only those questions directly relevant to the skills and experience required for the job.”

Pretty simple, really.


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