A wedding invitation has gone viral on social media for all the wrong reasons – it asks that breastfeeding mums feed their babies out of sight of the other guests – in the women’s toilets.
The mum who received the invitation posted it on social media along with a cry for help, and it has now been shared thousands of times on Facebook.
In her Facebook post the outraged mum says:
“This was in the invitation to my husband’s best friends wedding. My husband is the best man so it will just be me in the crowd. We have had several arguments over “my” breastfeeding ways and they have multiple times voiced that I need to go elsewhere to do that in “private!”
I was going to just be nice and let my best girl friend watch my two kids (ages 2 and 3 months) and she would wet nurse my youngest (she’s still nursing her 2 year old as well) because we haven’t found a bottle my youngest will take yet and wet nursing doesn’t bother me.
Hubby and I were just gonna make it a date night… But apparently that wasn’t okay either. so I said would just bring my littlest baby to the wedding then, but no way in hell I will leave and nurse her in the bathroom (no matter how “nice” they make it!)
I don’t eat in the bathroom I’m not feeding my child in there!…
I want to be “nice” as possible but what should I do!? Go ahead and leave her with my friend (who by the way has nursed her multiple times) or take her!? Help!”
The invitation was posted on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page, above, on September 19th and has since been met with support and outrage by over 600 commenters.
In an update on the post, it was revealed that the woman ended up leaving both kids with her friend and grandparent.
“This particular invitation isn’t about a night off. We all need one. This is about being asked to feed the baby in the same place where people poop. That is never ok,” said Shannon Brame-Collier, a Mum from New York.
“Like honestly if I couldn’t bring my kids and breastfeed. my husband wouldn’t be a part of the wedding. It’s okay for people to get drunk and act dumb, but it’s not okay to breastfeed,” said another mother from Ohio.
We’re with the breastfeeding mum and her supporters on this one. A toilet is no place to feed a baby. What an ignorant request to make.