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Lots of sex can fend off prostate cancer

The best news a man could ever ask for.

These new findings are guaranteed to put a smile on the face of every man around the world.


Regular ejaculations are the best way to fend off prostate cancer – with 21 ejaculations per month being the optimum number to aim for (that’s pretty often considering most months have 31 days).

We know what you’re thinking – probably a load of rubbish conjured by a bunch of men with ulterior motives.

Well no, actually. The research was led by female researcher and took place over a 10-year time span, comprehensively evaluating the link between ejaculation frequency and prostate health.

The study followed over 30,000 men between 1992 and 2010 and found that high levels of sexual activity help to reduce the risk of contracting prostate cancer by 30 per cent.


The researchers hypothesise this is because the process of ejaculation flushes cancer-causing toxins from the body, though at this stage more research is needed to confirm this.

In New Zealand, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men, with 3000 men diagnosed each year, and about 600 deaths from prostate cancer each year.

Prostate cancer usually strikes later in life, and is more likely to develop in men who are 65 or older; it can be hereditary.


Prevention and symptoms of prostate cancer

The prostate is a male-only organ located immediately below the bladder and just in front of the bowel. It is usual for the prostate to become enlarged as men age, but if you have any of the following symptoms it may indicate prostate cancer:

— Waking frequently at night to urinate

— Sudden or urgent need to urinate

— Difficulty in starting to urinate

— Slow flow of urine and difficulty in stopping

— Discomfort when urinating

— Painful ejaculation

— Blood in the urine or semen

— Decrease in libido (sex urge)

— Reduced ability to get an erection

For more information, contact the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand on 0800 477 678 or visit their website

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