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Graham Norton guest tells the most awkward wedding story ever

It could not have gone more wrong.
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Ever week, guests share embarrassing stories with TV show host Graham Norton from the comfort of his big red chair.


But this week, Sean from Donegal, Ireland recounted possibly the best (or worst) wedding story ever.

Sean told the story of his friend’s wedding, which did not have a happy ending.

He said that during the reception, the groom asked guests to play a game. Everyone stood up, and when asked, turned over their dinner plate. If there was a red dot on the plate, they were to remain standing.

At the end of the game, eight men were still on their feet, and the groom announced: “Ladies and gentlemen please take a look at the men stood in front of you. They have slept with my wife since we have been engaged.”


He then left immediately to get his marriage annulled.

On hearing the story, The Graham Norton Show guest Jeremy Renner jumped to his feet to deliver a round of applause.

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