Here are our favourite looks for your dog, so they don’t feel left out when your kids are all dressed up this Halloween. Costumes available on Fashion for Fun and Party City.
You are what you eat.
He’s the hero we deserve, but not the one we needs right now.
Blonde Ham-bition
You can’t say your pet will need more attention after they put this number on.
A DIY devil? not sure what this handsome boy is dressed as but he is rocking it.
The great thing about this one is your pooch can wear it again the next time he attends a wedding.
Whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, you must admit this is too cute.
This would go excellently with children dressed as ghosts.
Hot Diggity Dog
This one would be extra fantastic if you’re putting it on a sausage dog.
One small step for man’s best friend.
If we told you your pet would enjoy it, we’d be lion.
This is just too dog-gondola good.
Shark Fin
Simple, adorable, won’t bother your pet and would look great if you happen to be trick or treating near a beach.
Is this dog dressed as the lesser known spice girl “Pumpkin spice”?
Star Wars Yoda
Amused your pet will not be.
Even if he’s the devil, he is still a good boy.
Your dog really will be faster than a speeding bullet the second time he sees you coming to trying to put this on him or her.
Where’s Wally
Dress the kids in the same classic outfit for extra points.
The only clowns we won’t be running away from this Halloween.
If your kids are obsessed with these things anyway, why not give in?
Pup-A-Razzi Cupcake Girl
We aren’t sure what is going on here, but we like it!
The awkward moment when you show up wearing the same outfit as your dog.
Pup-A-Razzi Pop King
The King lives.