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Sex and the City star on how her fertility impacted her career

The former SATC star has opened up about what happened as soon as she was 'no longer fertile.'



In her role as Sex and the City’s Miranda Hobbs, Cynthia Nixon witnessed how much her character’s career changed when she had son Brady.

But speaking in a new interview, the 50-year-old actress has revealed that she’s now seeing the other side of it – as the roles she’s offered have changed now she’s “no longer fertile.”

Speaking to UK paper, Metro, the star said she is at an age where people expect her to ave already raised her children (Cynthia has a 14-year-old and 20-year-old.)

“The fact I haven’t isn’t nature’s fault – it was my decision,” she told the paper.

Cynthia says being past child bearing age has opened up more interesting roles

“But even though I’m still in the mommy space [with young children], being no longer fertile means I am not offered roles that are to do with being a mother, which is freeing.”

Cynthia explained that while some roles have been closed off to her due to ageism, on the whole what’s happened to her has been positive, mainly because the “non-mother” roles out there tend to be more complex and interesting.

“Being someone’s mother in real life is wonderful but, in dramatic terms, non-mother roles are far more complicated and interesting.”

This is a welcome positive take on ageing in Hollywood, a place that often leaves talented female actresses high and dry.

Susan Sarandon spoke on this subject to PEOPLE earlier this year, telling them: “There are so many tragic stories of women who were so beautiful and couldn’t figure out a way to age within the system.”

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