Samantha Hayes returned to work this week, three months after giving birth to her son, Marlow.
The Newshub presenter revealed on social media over the weekend that she’s going to miss being with her baby boy all day but is “super excited” to get back to the newsroom.
“Where did the last three months go!?” she mused, in an Instagram post showing an image of herself with baby Marlow at one week old.
“Marlow was only about a week old in this photo. I don’t know exactly as there was a lot going on at that stage & hardly any sleep.”
She said, “While I’ll miss being with him all day I’m also super excited to get back to the newsroom.
“I’m not 100% sure how I’ll manage being a new mum and working,” the new mum conceded, “but we’ll muddle our way through it. See you at 6pm!”
Baby Marlow was born by caesarean section on September 19 and Sam was fortunate to have her mum Sheena, who lives in Otago, travel to Auckland to stay with Sam and her Dutch partner Jeroen “Jay” Blaauw to support the new parents for the first six weeks.
Sam revealed in a recent interview with Woman’s Day that she has eagerly taken on all of her mum’s advice.
She admitted that breastfeeding was a challenge in the early days and like many new mums, she’s had moments of feeling overwhelmed by the enormous responsibility.
“He’s definitely a hungry little guy,” she told the publication. “There were some nights where he’d feed for an hour or two, it would take an hour to settle him again, and then he’d wake up ready to have another feed!
“But my mum has been phenomenal – and it’s been lovely sharing this amazing experience with her too.”
Sam also told the publication that baby Marlow has brought a joy to her life that she hadn’t known before.
“There’s something really special about being a family. I’ve never felt a happiness like it.”
Sam’s pregnancy had come as a surprise after she joined Jay in the Andes to climb Mt Aconcagua..
Jay had invited her to join him on the challenge of a lifetime and while climbing one of the highest peaks in the world hadn’t been on her to-do list, she summoned her courage and took the leap.
“Saying ‘yes’ changed my life in a way I could never have imagined,” she told Woman’s Day.
“It brought us closer together and resulted in the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me – little baby Marlow. If I hadn’t climbed that mountain, life would be very different.“