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Peta Mathias on life, love and how she really feels about karaoke

I have two lives. I am a French girl and a NZ girl.
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At 70, Peta Mathias is as vibrant and full of verve as ever. Spending half her time in France and the other half in New Zealand, the Kiwi chef and author has created an exciting career and lifestyle hosting international culinary tours overseas and teaching people how to cook. It embodies all that she loves in life – food, travel and people.

We caught up with Peta at the beginning of 2019 in Auckland. Fresh back from a trip to India with suitcases full-to-overflowing with exquisite clothes and jewellery, she was all set for a Kiwi summer of lamb chops, asparagus, and relaxing in the shade of a tree.

In this two-minute video Peta opens up about life, love, food and why you’d never catch her singing karaoke. She reveals what she’d be if she were a tree, and shares her best piece of advice from her mother:

“Always buy very good clothes when you’re flush so that when you’re poor you still look great.”

We like that.

To read the full inteview with Peta Mathias, pick up the latest issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, on sale now.

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