We all start the new year with the best of intentions. Hopes and dreams are identified and New Year’s resolutions made.
But by the end of January many of us are already faltering. Sticking to goals is, annoyingly, so much harder than making them.
Executive coach and body mind analyst Suzanne Masefield, who runs executive coaching sessions in leadership, employee/employer relations and goal-setting, claims that the reason people fail to achieve goals is because they don’t make a plan.
A lofty hope like ‘be more content’ or ‘learn to appreciate the little things in life’ needs to be broken down into tangible goals within the different areas of your life (communication, career, family and relationships, finances, leisure and health) and then rated in terms of how committed you are to each goal.
It doesn’t stop there though. You need to follow through with taking daily actions towards achieving your goals and monitoring your progress in a journal.
Lastly, there are the very important steps of acknowledging and rewarding yourself often..
In the two-minute video, above, she takes us through each step in more detail so that you can take 2020 from the mundane to the marvelous.