Body & Fitness

8 ways to declutter your life

Declutter your mind and house - and smell the roses!
Decluttering tips

Do we truly prioritise order as we should? Here are 8 key tips to help you declutter your mind and home, and bring order into your life.


Schedule downtime or a joyful activity into each day.


Clean away physical grime – yes, this is a form of clutter!


Gift things you do not use or love.


Organise your belongings and create a place for everything.

To do list

Tend to tasks that need completing (unfinished jobs have the same effect on us as clutter).


Prioritise your day. There is a natural order of things and not everything is equally important. Become familiar with ranking what needs doing and be prepared to change your plans accordingly.

To do list

Use a well-functioning, daily to-do list. Estimate how much time each task will take and determine what needs to be removed from the list that day.

Say no

Say no when necessary. Saying no tends to go against the grain for many women, however, you will feel stronger when you begin to push back.

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