Home Health Body & Fitness

4 natural cough syrup recipes

Dose everyone with these soothing home remedies to relieve a nagging cough.

I’ve written about so many cough syrup recipes over the years, I thought I’d gather them all up for the cold season. Take your pick!

Swede cough syrup

You can make a very effective cough mixture out of swede. Cut the swede into 10mm thick slices and layer in a small jar. Sprinkle over brown sugar as you go, then leave for a few hours or overnight. A thick syrup will form. Take 1 tsp as needed. This really does work.

Honey thyme cough syrup

A reader sent this to me after finding that it helps her husband’s cough. He had been using over-the-counter cough syrups and lozenges, but found this syrup eliminated

his cough very quickly.

1 cup water

2 tbsp fresh thyme

1/2 cup raw unpasteurised honey

In a small saucepan, bring the water to the boil. Remove from the heat, then add the thyme and cover with a lid to steep. Leave for 20 minutes or longer. Strain, then whisk in the honey until combined. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to two months.

Horseradish cough syrup

You can buy fresh horseradish root in some specialty stores, so why not make this old-fashioned remedy? Peel off the surface skin, then grate the horseradish root into a small glass and cover with sugar. Leave for 24 hours and strain off the liquid that has formed. Keep in the refrigerator and take 1 to 2 tsp for a damp, phlegmy cough.

This mixture will keep for three months.

Garlic cough syrup

Wash 50g peeled garlic and boil in 3 cups water until reduced to half, then strain. Add 1 cup honey and 1 cup vinegar, then simmer for five minutes. Pour into a sterilised bottle with a screw-on lid.

Take little doses when the cough is bad.

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