We are weeks away from New Zealand Fashion Week. What’s it like in your workroom at the moment?
We love a bit of panic, but after doing shows for this long we are pretty organised and know how to manage the stress. So right now we are enjoying the fun and looking forward to putting on an amazing event!
You have five words or less – describe what the inspiration is behind the collection you are showing.
Leopards can change their spots!
What can we look forward to seeing at your show this year, can you give us any hints as to what we’ll see walk down the runway?
We are working with the talented Kiekie Stanners from MAC Cosmetics and the amazing Michael Beel from Buoy Salon, so we can tell you the hair and make up will be incredible – colourful, glittering and unexpected. I also think our goodie bag will be the best… even though it is not a bag and the goodies are not what you think.
What are your beauty or wellbeing tips for surviving one of the busiest weeks in the year?
Nuori Unifier is new at World Beauty and the three-in-one mist is perfect for setting make-up and refreshing the skin whilst out and about. Also… champagne, it always helps.
What is your NZFW go-to outfit style for the week?
Leopard spots and lots of them – it’s a wild environment down there!
How big of an undertaking is a show at NZFW? How long have you been working on your showcase?
Whenever we do something to express the spirit of the brand we take it very seriously and plan months in advance to make sure we present a show that people will connect with and make them feel the excitement we feel when creating the garments and collaborating on the event.
Is there a motivational soundtrack the team is currently listening to?
We are very late 70’s and late 90’s at the moment – ‘so bad it’s good’ might be the best analogy.
Do you have any pre-show rituals to get you ready?
Be organised, stand around with a clipboard, wear a headset – all the cool stuff!
How do you plan to unwind once it’s all over?
Go back to work – we’ll all be in store the next day making sure the collection comes alive for our guests who join us in store!
Take a look back at World’s fashion week shows up until now:
For more, see this month’s Simply You magazine, visit our Facebook page, and follow us on Instagram.