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Essential money saving beauty hacks

Genius ways to make your products go further.
Woman applying lipstick

Woman applying lipstick

How to make your mascara last longer


Mascara running out or turning clumpy? There are still things you can do. Pick up some cheap contact lens solution and pipette a few drops into your mascara. Close and shake and you’ll soon find you’ve got plenty left to work with as the solution adds new life to the liquid.

And if your mascara is clumping up, pop it into a mug of hot water for ten minutes – you’ll find it soon smoothens out.

Re-use mascara brushes

Once your mascara has finally given up, wash and keep the brushes for combing through lashes and brows.


Make perfume last longer by adding it to body lotion

Make perfume last longer

Add a few drops to your body lotion bottle, shake and apply. You’ll stay smelling beautiful for way longer.

Fix broken powders


It’s always annoying when your powder crumbles with loads still left. Fix this problem by adding a little rubbing alcohol to the broken powder, mixing with your finger or small brush and then leaving to set.

Or turn broken powders into nail polish

Turn your broken eyeshadow into a cool new nail varnish shade by mixing the broken powder with some clear polish.

Turn crushed eyeshadows into gels


Use the fridge

This should be golden rule number one. Most beauty products (lipsticks, mascaras, eyeliners, perfumes etc) last longer if they are kept cool and dry and don’t get overheated. Keep a small drawer in the fridge free for your products and they’ll last much longer.

Make your own mix

Make Vaseline/Coconut Oil your best friend, and use it to create eye shadow gels and lip glosses out of your leftover products. Lipstick on its last legs? Mix it up with some Vaseline and create a tinted balm. Eye shadow not cutting the mustard? Crush it up and mix with Vaseline to create a gel.


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