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Infrared body wraps are the latest Hollywood weight-loss craze, so we decided to find out exactly which stars are loving the new treatment.

Infrared body wraps are the latest Hollywood weight-loss craze, so we decided to find out exactly which stars are loving the new treatment!

From the Kardashian’s to Miranda Kerr, stars are lining up to try the Infrared body wraps and discover the treatment’s apparent healthy benefits.

The theory is that the 50 minute session, which sees you lying on a massage table, wrapped in silicone bandages which gradually heat, causes you to sweat.

Your body’s natural cooling processes then kick into overdrive to try to cool you down. This process requires a lot of energy and also increases circulation and fat-burning.

Following a session, you’ll feel like you’ve done a workout – even though you haven’t moved (except to maybe check your phone or turn the page of your favourite book).

Sweating has a bunch of benefits including detoxing, skin conditioning, cardio fitness, relaxation and weight loss.

And while we’ve all heard the saying “if it sounds too good to be true it usually is’,  BodyMechanique’s Wendy Gilbert-Grey says it is not the case with this Formostar treatment.

“Formostar accelerates many biological functions in the body, it increases the number of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell in the front line of the body’s immune response,” she said.

“In short, it’s a great way to detox your body of heavy metals, body fluids and toxins.”

Aussie supermodel Miranda Kerr, who has stripped down to show off her gorgeous bod for GQ magazine, is one of Wendy’s many clients.

“Looking and feeling great is one of my top priorities,” says Miranda who calls the treatment ‘magic’.

But Miranda isn’t the only model who uses the treatment. Jessica Gomes swings past for Formostar and Endermologie treatments when she’s in town before a big photo shoot.

According to Wendy, Love Child star Jessica Marais is also a fan of the treatments which decrease the appearance of cellulite whilst also shaping the body.

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