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How to make your own break-out-banishing yeast mask

No matter the cause, this mask will extract impurities for cleaner skin in under an hour.

We’re not sure if it’s stress or too much chocolate, but my daughter’s skin has been breaking out a bit lately. As well as prescribing rest and relaxation, I’ve made her this pampering mask to bring out impurities. Don’t plan a big night out after using as they may still have a few blotches.


Yeast Mask

Hot water

1 tsp honey

1 tsp brewer’s yeast


1 tsp milk

1 tsp oil, such as olive or, even better, almond or avocado

Add a few drops of hot water to the honey to melt it slightly, then blend in the brewer’s yeast. Add the milk to soften it and make into a thick paste. Apply the oil to your face, then put the mask on. Leave for half an hour, then remove with warm water.


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