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Beauty fix: DIY pedicure

Don’t let your foot care fall by the wayside – pretty up those tootsies.

Gather everything you need and set it all up on a towel within arm’s reach. Then follow these steps to pull off your best DIY pedicure yet…


1. Start by filling a foot spa or large bowl with warm water and add your favourite foot soak product, essential oils or even Epsom salts to the water to help soften and freshen your feet. It may seem a messy step but it’s well worth the effort and will help to give you a sense of true pampering. Sit back and relax with a magazine while your feet soak for about five minutes.

2. Remove one foot from the water and while it’s wet, buff away any hardened skin on the heels, toes and balls of your feet using a pumice stone or a foot file. Repeat with the other foot, then give each foot (all over your toes too) as well as your lower leg a good massage with a foot scrub. Pop them back in the water to rinse, then pat them dry with a towel.

3. Now it’s time to groom your nails and cuticles while they’re soft and workable. Use clippers or nail scissors to neatly trim nails straight across – not too short, otherwise you’ll risk ingrown nails. Gently smooth the edges with a nail file. Then take a cuticle pusher and gently push back the cuticles.


4. Here comes the fun bit where you get to add colour. For a truly long-lasting pedicure and one that won’t yellow your nail bed, start with a base coat. Follow with two coats of colour, then finish with a top coat to prevent chipping and add a professional-looking shine. Patience is key! Apply each coat in thin layers and allow plenty of time for drying in between. Toe separators allow plenty of room to get in with your nail polish brush and stop your nails from smudging against each other.

5. Finally, once your nails are completely dry, lavish your feet with a rich, nourishing cream. Take time to massage it firmly all over your feet – including the arches – for a wonderful sense of wellbeing. Don’t try to do this step before painting your nails because the cream will prevent the colour from adhering properly to your nails.

WATCH: 3 ways to make your pedicure last longer

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