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Be a glowing bride: Stress less

Weddings are stressful and the pressure can take its toll on the way you look. Stress can also keep you awake at night and lack of sleep will result in bags under your eyes, lacklustre skin and dull eyes. If you do feel stressed, try these stress-busters:

Watch your diet. Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fats and tobacco all affect your body’s ability to cope with stress. Eating fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and foods that are high in protein but low in fat will help you deal with tension.

Use herbal treatments. Those that are good for relieving stress include valerian, which will also help you sleep; hops, which can help ease restlessness; and chamomile, which is a gentle relaxant and good nerve tonic.

Exercise. It releases chemicals called endorphins, which help overcome stress. Try an aromatherapy massage. As well as helping you relax, oils like rose, frankincense and grapefruit help ease tension.

Learn to meditate. Practice regularly until you can easily apply the techniques when you find yourself in stressful situations.

**oy top anti-stress tip

**When I got married, my dressmaker passed on a handy tip: she suggested taking Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is a natural stress reliever that calms the nervous system. You simply add four drops to water or spray it under your tongue.

I followed her advice and took the Rescue Remedy (which I bought from a chemist) first thing in the morning, while waiting to be photographed and in the car going to the church. I was amazed at how calm I felt and when several things went wrong (such as one of our wedding cars not turning up) I remained unfazed. The photographer said I was one of the most serene brides he’d ever seen (a word not normally used to describe me) and I can’t help thinking the Rescue Remedy had something to do with it.

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