My typical day…
My working week is so varied as I’m self-employed, but there are some regular features to each week. I teach yoga classes at Positive Balance on Auckland’s North Shore and I have my radio show on a Saturday at Radio Live. Outside of that the days are filled up with the kids and their routines. After dropping the two big kids at school I always go for a walk with the baby to fit some exercise in, then I’ll often have a coffee with girlfriends before heading home and figuring out my daily priorities. I write them down to make sure I don’t get off track (social media and replying to emails is a shocker for this). I’ve had to become very focused and clear in my intentions for each day otherwise I just get behind and have to work at night-time, which is never ideal!
Most of my time is taken up by…
Washing. Cooking. Cleaning. Tidying. Organising kids’ after-school activities. Their in-school activities. Making lunches. Sorting out my radio show. My yoga studio. My websites… My life.
If I were a billionaire, I’d…
Sort out the school system in NZ. We need more teachers and more space for our kids to learn and play. And buy up public camping grounds zoned for development to keep that Kiwi dream alive. And probably spots for community gardens too.
The person I’d cast in a movie of my life would be…
I’m not quite Bridget Jones but similar. I am soooo forgetful and a little bit clumsy, but I always aim to have a smile on my face!

My favourite day of the week is…
If I was stranded on a tropical island, I’d need…
1 Dave, Tilly, Jude and Freddie Flynn
2 Sun cream for us all
3 Something sharp to open all the coconuts with
My #1 heroine is…
Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington
My favourite quote is…
Fake it ’til you make it!
My hidden talent is…
Deadlines! 20 years of hitting them as a journalist and I don’t think I’ve ever failed to deliver.
My last supper meal would be…
Pulled pork tacos with coriander and chilli and avocado and slaw. Definitely with cheesecake and a nice glass of rosé.

My advice to my younger self is…
Stress less and enjoy all the amazing things more. I have always been such a worrier.