Have you ever had a hairdo you regretted?
At 21, I really lacked the vision to pull off blonde hair, not to mention the bank balance to keep those roots up to scratch. Many hats were worn in those days.
How do you know you’re in love
I have been born with an affliction that means I fall in love with most people I meet, in one way or another. I am currently in love with the courier driver from my old work and the barista at my local cafe. But proper romantic love? I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
What lessons have you learnt from past relationships?
My relationship with my favourite ex-boyfriend – yes, there is a ranking system – taught me that loving someone to the full extent is never wasted, regardless of whether you end up together or not. My least favourite taught me that if you don’t like someone the first time you meet them, do not make them your boyfriend for six years. Pretty revolutionary, eh?
What makes you the most anxious?
Stand-up, for sure. I go crazy in the green room before every gig. I do a little scream in the car before I go in, I pace, I karate kick the air… It’s kind of an interesting career choice to do the thing that makes me feel like I’m going to implode multiple nights a week, but it’s also my most favourite thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’ve just come to accept that I will always be anxious. The few nights where
I haven’t been nervous are the nights I have completely bombed.
What movie would you watch over and over again?
Whenever I feel like I need to have a bit of a cry, I watch Big Fish. I love a happy-sad ending and have a major affinity for men who tell stories with a bit of extra sprinkles added, which may explain my distinct lack of luck in the romantic love department.
What makes you smile?
When my teenage son is out of his cave and being his normal goofy self, it makes me happy-smile. Watching someone on the bus panic when the stop bell isn’t working makes me evil-smile – before I push the button for them, of course!
What’s your greatest achievement in life?
My co-parenting relationship with my son’s dad. Although we were very young when we had Arie, we’ve always worked hard to be friends, communicate, compromise and put Arie first. I basically get to raise my kid with my high-school bestie.