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The Block barista Tina Savidis serves up the inside word

Block barista Tina Savidis spills the beans on what’s happening behind the scenes

How long have you been working at The Block’s McCafe?


This year is my fourth year on The Block Australia. I’ve been lucky enough to be asked back each year, which has always been an easy yes.

Who’s your favourite Blockhead to gossip with?

Probably Courtney and Mimi. They would often be at McCafe together. The tradies don’t mind a gossip session as well.

Did you get to find out lots of juicy things?


Yes! This season particularly, I felt like McCafe was really just a gateway to a lot of information – probably the juiciest season I’ve been on.

Did they all swear you to secrecy?

No, McCafe was like a comfort place for all the contestants to come and vent any frustrations or grievances.

You were a shoulder to cry on for a lot of them too. Are you good at giving advice?


I’d like to think I’m not bad, but when you have someone you just met breaking down to you, it can sometimes get a little awkward. However, I know McCafe is a place to let their emotions out and the more seasons I’ve done, the easier it has become.

Is anyone not very friendly?

Everyone was very chatty. I’m giving them coffee for 12 weeks, so I’m going to be their best friend for three months! Jesse and Paige weren’t coffee drinkers, so I didn’t see them as often as everyone else.


What is Scott Cam’s coffee order?

Scotty is a regular cappuccino guy.

Is Mimi the first adult who’s ordered just steamed milk from you?

Yes, she orders straight hot almond milk. She reminds me of a human cat.


Which house is your favourite on The Block?

Houses two [Courtney and Grant’s] and five [Kristian and Mimi’s] are more my style, but I’m no interior designer!

What time does your McCafe shift start on The Block?

I start at 6.30am and open at 7am for serving. I’m generally met with a mad rush at that time. Everyone needs their fuel to start their day!


Will you be back next season?

A hundred percent yes. It’s a great family environment. Everyone is so kind and friendly, which makes it a fantastic environment to work in.

The Block Australia screens 7pm Sunday to Wednesday on Three and streams on ThreeNow.


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