We had them pegged as Married At First Sight Australia’s golden couple.
The watertight couple with their strong conservative views.
Then out of the blue Aleks went and did “a complete one-eighty” on Ivan during groom home visit week, telling him she wasn’t into him after all. The man was abruptly friend zoned and advised the romance was over.
Aleks said certain aspects of their relationship were “lacking”.
She said she didn’t see a future with Ivan, they weren’t compatible – he was a best mate not a soul mate.
Yet where did the sudden change of heart come from? Only a week ago all had seemed rosy.
Aleks claimed she had a revelation after the last commitment ceremony, taking a step back from the experiment and asking herself who she was and what she wanted.
But groom Michael Goonan has his own theories and they tell a very different story.
Michael has claimed that Aleks has been cheating on her TV husband.
He told the rest of the group at Wednesday night’s dinner party that he had run into Aleks as she was returning from a secret date.
“When I was in the lobby yesterday she was coming back from a date with a bloke,” Michael told them.
“I said ‘Do you think that you like this guy?’ and she’s like ‘Yeah he’s super hot,’ and then she’s like ‘He’s totally my type.'”
Michael then said he asked Aleks if she was going to catch up with the mystery guy again, to which Aleks replied ‘Yeah I hope so,’ he claimed.

We thought Aleks and Ivan were great together. This cannot be…
Mishel and Connie seemed to verify Michael’s allegations, with Mishel telling the cameras about a Ferrari-driving guy who was interested in Aleks that they had met at a Serbian night a couple weeks ago.
Connie said, “I knew she was out with men.”
“Did she cheat on him?” Jonethen asked. Michael and Stacey replied yes.
“Does that explain what’s going on with Aleks, then,” show expert Mel Schilling wondered.
“This is a disaster,” declared Mel’s peer, John Aiken.
The experts agreed that Aleks was making a fool of Ivan, of the group and of the experiment.
Aleks slammed the rumours, telling the others at the table that she had met a girl at a Serbian event that she had attended with Mishel.
“She took me out to this Serbian restaurant and actually the owner sat with us. He’s about 50, 60 years old so sorry if that’s disrespectful to the experiment but I just want you guys to know that wasn’t a romantic date with a man, I was with a woman and another guy who’s 50 years old, same age as my dad,” she said.
“Going on a date with another man, I would never do that to Ivan,” she said.

How cute were they on their wedding day.
What’s most interesting is that Ivan continued to defend Aleks to the bitter end.
And he still held out hope that the couple could stay intact, as long as Aleks could get to her home town of Perth in the coming days for the bride home stay week.
The rest of the group was astonished, with the experts agreeing: “The group wants accountability.”
Afterwards, Ivan told Talking Married he didn’t believe Aleks had cheated on him.
It appears this couple will present as a united front, no matter what.