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Survey reveals how much Kiwis love the royals

We canvassed our readers - what did you have to say about the royals?

In an exclusive poll, we canvassed the readers of The Australian Women’s Weekly about the relevance of the Queen and the British royal family.


We asked if we should continue as subjects of the monarchy, or whether it is time to rein the royals in.

Click through to find out just what Kiwi’s think.

Who is your favourite British royal?

Who is your favourite British royal?

Prince Harry 29%

Prince William 20%

Duchess Catherine 20%

The Queen 18%

Prince George 5%

Princess Anne 3%

The Duke of Edinburgh 1%

Princess Charlotte 1%

Prince Charles 1%


What do you think about the Queen?

What do you think about the Queen?

Really like her 30%

Quite like her 50%

Don’t really care 18%

Dislike her 2%

What do you think should happen when the Queen dies or abdicates?

What do you think should happen when the Queen dies or abdicates?

New Zealand becomes a republic 10%

Charles becomes King 33%

William, the Duke of Cambridge becomes King 48%

Don’t know 9%

I love the pomp and ceremony of royal weddings and other occasions.

I love the pomp and ceremony of royal weddings and other occasions.

Agree completely 35%

Agree somewhat 38%

Neither agree or disagree 17%

Somewhat disagree 6%

Disagree completely 4%

Is it time for Charles to become King?

Is it time for Charles to become King?

Yes 20%

Don’t know 13%

No 67%


The Queen does a fantastic job

The Queen does a fantastic job

Agree completely 44%

Agree somewhat 34%

Neither agree or disagree 19%

Disagree somewhat 3%

Do you think the Queen should be more open and less private?

Do you think the Queen should be more open and less private?

Yes, she should 8%

No, she is just fine 77%

I don’t care 13%

Don’t know 2%

Is the monarchy good for New Zealand?

Is the monarchy good for New Zealand?

Good 69%

Bad 8%

Don’t know 23%

New Zealand should become a republic as soon as possible

New Zealand should become a republic as soon as possible

Agree completely 7%

Agree somewhat 12%

Neither agree or disagree 27%

Disagree somewhat 27%

Disagree completely 27%


In the next 100 years New Zealand should…

In the next 100 years New Zealand should…

Keep the monarchy 42%

Become a republic 35%

Don’t know 23%

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